Massage Therapy

Get Ready To Feel Great.

Benefits Of

Massage Therapy

One of the immediate benefits of massage is a feeling of deep relaxation and calm. This occurs because massage prompts the release of endorphins – the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of well being.

Levels of stress hormones, such as Adrenalin, cortisol and norepinephrine, are also reduced. Studies indicate that high levels of stress hormones impair the immune system.
Massage Techniques

Specialized treatments for your goals

Deep Tissue/Therapeutic

Deep tissue massages use firm pressure and slow strokes to massage deep layers of muscle and fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds your muscles.

Deep tissue massages are used to break up scar tissue and break down muscle adhesions (the “knots” that we feel in our muscles are muscle adhesions, which are bands of rigid and painful muscle tissue). These knots can inhibit our circulation and cause pain and inflammation.

Trigger Point

Trigger points are sore, painful spots—also called knots—found in muscles. These knots are sensitive and when pressure is applied, it produces pain in a different part of your body. A trigger point massage helps work out those knots and reduce the pain associated with them.

Trigger points feel like little marbles or knots just under your skin. When pressing on trigger points, many people feel no pain or discomfort. Sometimes, trigger points become very sensitive, and some people feel significant pain in areas where they have trigger points.


Myofascial cupping is a soft tissue therapy that encourages healing by creating a negative pressure or suction on the skin using plastic or glass cups that pull up underlying tissues, blood, and other fluids close to the surface of the skin.

Cupping increases blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed. This may relieve muscle tension, which can improve overall blood flow and promote cell repair. It may also help form new connective tissues and create new blood vessels in the tissue.

Graston Technique®

(GT) therapy is successful in effectively treating all soft tissue conditions, whether they are chronic, acute or post- surgical.

Graston Technique and instruments enable the treatment of scar tissue and fascial restrictions during rehabilitation that allows for faster rehabilitation and with greater success when the goal is restoring range of motion, eliminating pain, and restoring normal function.

RAPID NeuroFascial Reset

RAPID Neuro Fascial Reset, is a neurologically based, technique that addresses the central nervous system’s role in alleviating tension and restrictions within the body.

Utilizing a biopsychosocial perspective RAPID addresses the body’s perception of danger, bringing the brain to safety. Most painful conditions and ROM restrictions disappear inducing a combination of descending inhibition within the nervous system, and a powerful increase in vasodilation, offering near immediate and lasting pain reduction in our patients. RAPID sessions may be uncomfortable, this occurs as the neurological system is being stimulated to restore normal function.

Active Release Techniques (ART)

Active Release Techniques (ART) is a soft tissue method that focuses on relieving tissue tension via the removal of fibrosis/adhesions which can develop in tissues as a result of overload due to repetitive use. These disorders may lead to muscular weakness, numbness, aching, tingling and burning sensations.

Air Flexion Table

Introducing our All New Air Flexion table. This table allows your therapist to utilize many therapeutic massage techniques, while working with the table. An Air Flexion treatment looks a little bit different than a traditional massage, in that it is a more targeted approach, and clients would normally be wearing sports wear during their treatment. If you like a more intense massage, targeting the entire posterior chain, this one could be for you!

Pulse Therapy, Graston Technique, Dynamic/Static Cupping, Percussion Therapy, & Deep Tissue Techniques are all easily integrated!

Ready to start feeling better?

Why Choose Us

Other Advantages Of

Massage Therapy

Proudly Certified With


Try to arrive at least 10 minutes early to complete the necessary forms and get comfortable. We will complete an assessment to understand your massage therapy needs. Before the session starts and after the session ends you will have an opportunity to undress or dress in private.

Each session is 60 or 90 minutes long and can be combined with any service we offer.

It's up to you; You can choose to remove only the clothing you're comfortable with removing. However, massage therapy treatments do work best without clothing blocking the massaged area.


Keep in mind that during a session you will be fully covered with a sheet/blanket. We use a draping technique so only the area of your body that is being worked on will be uncovered.

Deep Tissue & Trigger Point Massage

After the massage, you may feel some stiffness or soreness, but it should subside within a few days. Your skin might get a little red after a massage, but typically people don't get bruises. However, some mild bruising is perfectly normal especially if you are receiving Cupping or Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Techniques (Graston). Be sure to contact your massage therapist if you have concerns. Drinking water after the massage may help to flush the metabolic waste from the tissues.

Not always. Massage Therapy can help you with extensive soft tissue damage, injury, chronic disease, pain management, impaired mobility, and of course for common treatments to help stress relief and maintain well-being.

Graston Technique®

You can expect bruising and redness after receiving Graston Technique®. You do not have to worry about it. These are temporary symptoms that will dissipate slowly over the next few days, and are part of the normal process of recovery.

Patients are advised they may be sore, bruised or exhibit small red dots over the area treated, called petechiae. If any soreness is felt after the procedure, ice application for 15 to 20 minutes following the treatment may ease the discomfort.

Start Feeling Better Today